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    Making health and fitness work for you and your life.

    I’m here to support you in your health journey.

    After years working as fitness coach in local gyms, I knew it was time to take my coaching to the online space where I could help clients from all over. That’s what Charis Haschig Coaching, LLC is all about…helping YOU! As a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Health Coach (ACE), and Level 1 Nutrition Coach (PN), I know what it takes to help you move forward in your health and fitness one step at at time.

    Charis Haschig Coaching is committed to finding a program that works for you.

    I Want To See You


    I want you to be confident in who you are and what you’re doing.


    I want you to understand what you’re doing and why when it comes to your health and fitness.


    Whatever success means for you and your health, I want to help you get there.

    So Let’s Get Started !

    Explore coaching packages


    6 Weeks of Strength

    A 6-week dumbbells-only program that will help you build strength and confidence. All levels welcome.

    Custom Workout Programming

    A one-of-a-kind workout program personalized to you, your goals, schedule, and equipment.

    1-ON-1 Nutrition Coaching

    Today is the day to start prioritizing your health.

    Let’s start this journey together.