6 Weeks Of Strength

What’s Included

6 Weeks of Strength is a 6 week dumbbells only workout program. Each week you will have 4 workouts, totaling 24 workouts throughout the program. These workout gradually progress in difficulty and there are always modifications and progressions given for each exercise. While this program is mostly self led, you do have the ability to message your coach through the in-app messaging system to ask any questions you may have!


User-Friendly App

You will access your workout through the TrueCoach app. Here you can view each workout, the written and video instructions for each exercise, make notes on your progress, and send messages or videos to your coach, me !

Click here to watch a demo of the app.

24 Strength Workouts

Each week you will be assigned 4 workouts. These workouts will be a combination of upper body, lower body, push, and pull days. These workouts will progress over the 6 weeks to get your more comfortable with the movement and stronger. These workouts can vary greatly in intensity depending on the modifications and progressions used, as well how heavy of weights you use.

End Of Program Check-In

After the completion of your 6 weeks, you will have the option of a live video session to discuss how I can help you in the future. In this session we will discuss how to set your up for success as you continue your fitness journey.

Purchase 6 Weeks Of Strength

6 Weeks of Strength

6 weeks of 4 weekly workouts (24 total) via the True Coach App.

Click to fill out the application form before signing up below.

After joining you will receive an email with instructions to set up your account within 24 hours.

If you have any questions about this program, please reach out and contact me.


Custom Workout Programming