I’m passionate about helping you make small changes that lead to lasting results !

Meet Charis

My love of sports in middle and high school grew into a love of health and fitness. I pursued a career in health and fitness while getting my BS in Kinesiology. I started coaching in 2012 and well, the rest is history! Working at a few different gyms and with nearly 100 clients, I’ve learned that health and fitness are incredibly personal. It will not look the same for two people. I was never the most athletic, the fastest, or the strongest, and I didn’t have to be. I want people to understand that health and fitness don’t always look like what we think it does. Some days it just looks like getting outside with my dogs. Don’t worry, if you stick around long enough you’ll hear plenty about them.


Charis Haschig Coaching Can Help


Turn Your Goals Into Plans

Goals are great, but you won’t get anywhere without a plan in place. Together, we will work through your goals and break them into small and simple steps to move you forward.

Keep You Accountable

Accountability is one of the greatest assets of working with a coach. When motivation fades and obstacles appear, I will be there to hold you to YOUR commitments and priorities.

Find What Works For YOU

This is the key to my coaching philosophy. If you want to be successful in your health and fitness journey, you have to find what work for you and what doesn’t.